Getting to the Problem Earlier

Do I have Hearing Loss?


  • Do you often have to ask people to repeat themselves?

  • Do you have difficulty hearing in groups or loud environments, such as at restaurants or parties?

  • Do you feel uncomfortable in noisy places where you have trouble hearing conversations, especially when people talk at the same time?

  • Do you find background noise more disturbing when you are trying to listen to a conversation?

  • Do you feel others are mumbling?

  • Do you hear a constant buzzing or ringing in your ears (tinnitus)?

  • Do you generally have difficulty hearing people speaking unless they face you?

  • Do you need to constantly turn up the volume on the radio or TV?

  • Do you have difficulty hearing on the phone, the alarm, or doorbell?

  • Do you have difficulty hearing at the movies?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, speak to us about improving your hearing quality.